Trailer - Episode Fifty Seven

Originally posted on February 1st 2022

PDF available here

Monstrous Agonies – Episode Fifty Seven Trailer 

[The sound of a radio being tuned. It scrolls past a voice saying “- strange-”, dance music, a voice saying “-never see the light of day-”,  pop music, and a voice saying “-blood-” before cutting out when it  reaches the correct station.] 

The Presenter 

Next on the Nightfolk Network, we take some time to relax and unwind in  our ever-popular chill-out hour. This week we have a special treat for you  all - 60 minutes of uninterrupted ambient sound recorded live, 3,000  metres below the surface of the sea. Take a deep breath and let’s  descend... 


Alright. That should do it. 

[A door opens.] 


[sarcastic] Mmm, uninterrupted sea floor sounds. I’m almost sorry to miss  it. 

The Presenter 

[not sarcastic at all] No, I know. It’s a real pity. But we need to get this  sorted before the live call-in next week. 


Aw, darling - are you nervous?

The Presenter 



Don’t pout. It doesn’t suit you. 

The Presenter 

I’m not pouting. I’m... concentrating. Look, just help me test the phone line, will you? 


If only you had any other friends, you could have asked one of them to  phone in for you while I manned the airwaves. 

The Presenter 

Not “other”. 



The Presenter 

You said if I have “any other friends”. I have friends. “Other” implies that  you are among them. 


Well. That’s me told. 

The Presenter 

Would you just dial the number, please? I want to be sure this works-- [A dial tone. It continues in the background over the dialogue. Pause.] Is that... you? 


Yes, I’m working the telephone with my magical mystical mind powers. 

The Presenter 




The Presenter 

Then who is it? 


Gosh, if only there were some way to find out. 

[The tone cuts out. Beat.] 

The Presenter 


The Understudy 

[with background splashes] Hi, guys! So, story time. There I was, tub full of bubbles, wine and snacks to hand, ready for an evening of relaxation  with my favourite deep sea ambience when instead of the sound of goblin  sharks and creepy starfish wafting by on the ocean currents, I hear you  two... Now, what would we be calling that? Flirting? Fighting?


Mm. Bit of both. 

The Presenter 

We’re on the air? 

The Understudy 

Loud and clear, baby. Still are. Hello, adoring public. 

[Mab laughs] 

The Presenter 

Oh my God-- 


Oops! Oh, God, are you blushing? Too cute! 

The Presenter 

I-- I’m so sorry, listeners, I’ll just-- Thank you for telling me! 

The Understudy 

What are friends for? Ta-ra - and good luck next week. 

[She hangs up, leaving a dial tone which then cuts out. Fumbling  noises in the background.] 

The Presenter 

See? Friends. 


Oh yes? What’s her first name? [tuts] Let me. You’re all fingers and  thumbs when you’re nervous. 

[Typing sounds] 

The Presenter 

I’m not nervous! I’m just... I just want it to go well. 


And it will. And if it doesn’t, we’ll come up with something else. You keep  forgetting - you’ve got me on your side now 

The Presenter 

[laughs] Is that what you call it? 


Yes. It is. 

[A dial tone that cuts out as the call is picked up] 

The Presenter 


The Understudy 

Get off the air and give me my goblin sharks! [indignant splashing]  GOBLIN SHARKS! GOBLIN SHARKS! GOBLIN SHA-- 

[She is cut off. Over the dial tone, the sound of typing, quickly  replaced by the hum of deep sea ambience. 

The sound fades into the title music: slow, bluesy jazz. It plays  throughout the closing credits.]

H.R. Owen 

Coming soon: a very special episode of Monstrous Agonies, featuring  twice the agonies, and six times the usual number of voices. With guest  appearances from Matty OK Smith, Naomi Clarke, William A. Wellman,  Jonathan Tilley, and Elizabeth Plant, and writing from Matty, Naomi,  William and May Toudic, you're in for something rather special. Tune in on  Thursday 10th February, 4.00PM GMT, at or  wherever you get your podcasts. 

[Fade to silence.] 



Episode Fifty Six


Episode Fifty Five