M.A. Presents: How to Grow Your Podcast

Originally posted on June 16th 2022

PDF available here

How to Grow Your Podcast Transcript 

Hero Bloopers 

[sing-song, in the Presenter's voice] Let's sit up straight... and let's get  podcasting! 

[Title music: slow, bluesy jazz.] 

Hero Bloopers 

[in the Presenter's voice] Monstrous Agonies- [in normal voice] Ooh,  no, I can do my normal voice. That's just me saying that, in't it. That's H.R.  Owen, that's me! 

H.R. Owen 

Monstrous Agonies presents, How to Grow Your Podcast: An Intermediate  Guide, Told Through the Medium of Bloopers 

[The music fades out.] 

H.R. Owen 

So, you've been running your podcast for some time now and are looking  to make the most of the skills and learning you've gained since you began. You've left behind the silly mistakes that plagued your early efforts, and  have hit your stride at last. 

Hero Bloopers 

[in the Presenter's voice] We'll start things off tonight... [swallowing]  with a whole lot of spit in my mouth. 

[surprised sounds, followed by laughter] That's the sound of your  favourite indie podcaster blinding themselves by pressing 'torch' instead of  'aeroplane mode'.

[lip popping sounds] I'm wile poppy tonight. [a clatter as Hero drops  their phone] Ooh, don't! [laughing] Wile droppy tonight! 

Monstrous Agonies. Episode [snorting through nose] Nine.  [exaggeratedly snorting through nose] Nine. Episode Nine, guys. [beat. Then, in normal voice] Nine?! It's Fifty Nine! Jesus! 

Monstrous Agonies. Episode Sixty Nine- [laughing] I can't believe I  laughed at that! [bleep] me, what am I, twelve? Jesus... 

[in the Presenter's voice] “Go back, back, back,” calls the mouse-  [normal voice] Mouse? Nope. [squeaky voice] Mouse go eek eek. 

[in the Presenter's voice] Firstly. [flubbering] 

Some of them even tried to shoot me. [highly indignant] Me! In my-  [snorting laughter] 

[in the Presenter's voice] It's a poke uh... [normal voice] I keep nearly  saying Pokémon. 

Extort- [flubbering] 

[in the Presenter's voice] We have something of a familial [lispy mouth  sounds. Then, in a lispy voice] Famiwial theme tonight, lithenerth. 

I'm a somnambu- I'm- I'm a sonam- Blegh! Hmm hmm. Thanks, Leslie, for  giving me the word “somnambulist” [laughing] to read. 

I visited a nice frictionless plane once. [trying not to laugh] Very clean,  very modern. 

[in a dragon's voice] I feel I should add for context that I am a mostly  single- [laughing, in normal voice] I am a mostly single mother, yep.  Lorelei Gilmore. 

[in the Presenter's voice] Have you considered eating the rich- [bursts  out laughing] 

[in the Presenter's voice] 131.3FM. The voice of liminal Britain. I forgot to write the next bit [laughing] and I've only just realised. 

[overenthusiastic] Episode Fif- Wooah! 

Tonight's c- Tonight's firth- [flubbing] Tonight's fourth letter- Tonight's  fourth letter- Tonight's- Tonight's fourth- Tonight's fourth letter- Tonight's  fourth letter- Tonight's fourth caller was written and performed by William  A. Wellman. 

That shouldn't have taken as many takes as it did... 

You can also s... You can also show your support by sh... Egh! 

I hope it's OK. It's gonna [bleep]-ing have to be because I'm not doing it  again. 

H.R. Owen 

One aspect of podcasting that is easy to overlook is the importance of the  practical element. For example, you will likely by now have realised the  importance of having proper refreshments with you as you record, to keep  yourself hydrated and energised throughout your performance.

Hero Bloopers 

Mmmm!! [swallowing] Every single week I swallow a bit of wet ginger! [swallowing and spluttering] 

Extra, extra! Read all about it! Podcaster murdered by root- Root! It's just a root, innit, it's not a root vegetable. [laughing] Podcaster murdered by  root! [whisper shouting] I was rooting for you, Anakin! We were all rooting for you! 

[swallowing and spluttering. The clink of mug being put down] Ginger  strikes again. 

Christ, I'm not kidding, I-I genuinely swallowed a huge lump of ginger just  before recording. And it's sitting [laughing] in my throat... getting spicier  and spicier! 

[spitting, spluttering and coughing followed by the sound of a mug  being put down] Keeps me on my toes! 

God, I feel like a horse in a Terry Pratchett novel! [laughing] [deep breath] I've been orally figged. [bursts out laughing] 

I wish soup was an appropriate thing to drink while you're voice acting.  [little voice] Little croutons... [vaguely American accent] I would like a  little crouton. Get me a piece of toast but make it tiny. [more like a mob  boss] Give me the tiniest piece of toast you ever saw. [beat] Smaller!  [bursts out laughing]

H.R. Owen 

Your physical space is also important to consider. As your podcast gains  momentum, it's vitally important you have a calm, comfortable place in  which to work, in order to bring your best self to your recordings. 

Hero Bloopers 

The real monsters are podcasters who set up their ramshackle recording  studio [dramatic voice] next to a radiato-o-or! 

[whiny] I'm so sweaty! 

Oh my God. [laughing] I'm... so... sweaty! [with increasing despair] I  haven't even started! And every bit of me that's touching another bit is  damp ! Urrggghhh!! 

[clunking] It's hot as balls! 

I'm already sweating my jebs off. [beat. Then, whispered] It's free top  surgery. 

Oh God it's so hot... 

It's a hundred degrees and I'm full of peanut butter! 

Lawks! [laughing] I'm so sweaty! Crumbs. 

I'm very hot and angry. [clunking. Then, in a posh accent] It may not  lead to my very best performance yet. 

[vaguely German accent] My underboobs are sweating.

OK, my sweaty little pantsweater! [beat] “Pant sweater” not “pants wetter”. 

Mmmmm, body smells. Body smells in close quarters! [lip smacking  noises] Delicious. 

Ugh. Let's get out of this sweaty little box! 

H.R. Owen 

If you're looking to take your podcast from “good” to “great”, you need to  start with your vocal performance. Weed out problem areas such as poor  pronunciation, shaky accents, or inconsistent character voices. 

Hero Bloopers 

[indeterminate accent] Oh, so many voices in this one. Not everybody  gets a voice. Some of them just get bad David Tennant impressions. 

[in the Presenter's voice] You ask what the rules- [normal voice] Oh  God. She's back. [possibly French accent] The letter R! 

If I'm bein' unreasonable- [country accent] Bein'? Ooh, 'ello. [high voice] I met my girlfriend just- Ooh, hi! Yoo hoo! Yoo hoo, lesbians! 

[London accent] Picked him up at the market that [Northern accent]  afternoon. [stronger Northern accent] Afternoon?! 'Ey up! Hold the  [bleep]-ing phone, this podcaster's from t'North! 

[in the Presenter's voice] You might hire a pwoffessional applai-  [flubbering. Then, in normal voice] I can't say the letter R! 

[in the Presenter's voice] Whether you've recently acquired flight or are 

just looking to [Northern accent] brush up on your- [Southern accent]  Brush up on your skills... Or are just- Just- [slowly and clearly in an  exaggeratedly Southern accent] Just looking to brush up... Brush-  [Northern accent] Brush- Brush up- [beat. Then, in normal voice] I  should have made the Presenter Northern, really. 

[in the Presenter's voice] You might hire a perfessional- [lisping]  Pwoffessional. 

[voice a little wobbly] Recently, I moved in- [singing a wobbly note] Wooo! 

[in the Presenter's voice] Besides, it reaches him precisely the wrong  lesson. Ruh. Vruh. 

[clipped, energetic voice] I'll get straight to the point, I think. [normal  voice] OK, I like that energy but... Pitch it up. Head voice. Hoi! [hoiking  sounds. Then, higher than before] I'll get straight to the point, I think. 

[in the Presenter's voice] As a kind of jigsaw puzzle. [normal voice] How do Southerners say “puzzle”?! [in the Presenter's voice] Puzzle. As a  kind of jigsaw puzzle. 

[Northern accent] People always expect me to be a- Ooh, I've gone  Northern. I'm meant to be from London. [stronger Northern accent] I'm  from London town! [posh London accent] London. London, London,  London. But I'm not posh [transitioning to Cockney] I'm just a regular  guy. [exaggeratedly Cockney] Awight. Awight, Mistah. [squeaky voice] Oi, Mistah! Touch ya todger for a pound, mistah? Are you me dad? 

I think I should be allowed to opt out of the letter R, on mental health  grounds. [baby voice] Is embarrassin'. Don't want to do it. Makes me look  silly. 

H.R. Owen 

Fortunately, you will by now be well used to performing in the voices of  long-standing, recurring characters such as your protagonist, and will be  able to slip into their voice like putting on an old, comfortable coat. 

Hero Bloopers 

[in the Presenter voice unless otherwise indicated] 

[voice cracking] There's good news here. Whoo hoo hoo! 

It's not easy, to find out you've been accident'ly off- [country accent]  Accident'ly?! 

[struggling to reach the lower regisiter on the word “pride”] And find  someone who can stand beside you with pride- With pride- With pri- With Eh- And find someone who can stand beside you with pride. That's the  best we're gonna get. 

It's almost two o'clock on Thursday morning, and time for a very special  edition [voice cracking repeatedly] of our- Of our- Oh God, [bleep] me,  Jesus Christ. 

[voice cracking] Congratulations- Mmm! [to the tune of Wouldn't It Be  Nice by The Beach Boys] Wouldn't it be nice if I could talk right! 

First this evening, a listener whose authenticity is being challenged online.  Ooh! [laughing] Too sexy! 

You'd think they'd have the decency to give it up [dodgy accent] after you  left the country. [Belfast accent] After. Where the [bleep] are you from?  I'm the Presenter. [stronger accent and lisping slightly] I'm the  Presenter of the Nightfolk Network, so I am.  

[voice cracking] I wonder- Ooh! I wonder where my [bleep]-ing voice has  gone! 

The problem here, listener, is that there's a hard- [voice straining] Ooh  I've gone to a weird place in my throat and I can't get out! [laughing] 

You just have to get to your [voice failing] answer. [dry gasp] 

H.R. Owen 

As your podcast grows, you may even find new avenues of income  opening to you, such as advertising. We'll hear more on this after this  words from our sponsors. 

Hero Bloopers 

The Nightfolk Network. In association with... Icarus. Schmicarus. Flying  school. [laughter] 

In association with Speccy More Eyes. Designer glasses [laughing] for  the multiply occular. 

Untraceable and untrackable by even the most modern- [flubbering] 

Kringle-based entrapment- [bleep] me, Sophie! [laughing] How do you  expect me to say something like that with a straight face?! 

For the perfect bite sni- [little voice] 's bite snized.

The Nightfolk Network. In association with- [coughing and choking.  Then, in a silly voice] In association with the Plague. 

Proud sponsors of the Nightfolk Network. [flubbering] 

A-are we ready? OK. This is take one. Let's see. [deep breath] Ever  wondered how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Get transformed into a woodchuck, and find out today at  Chuck's Wood Chuckers. Located next to Sally's Seashore Seashell Store. Proud members of the Nightfolk Network. Warning: once transformed we  cannot return you to your human state. Please read the terms and  conditions carefully. [beat] [bleep]! Mother [bleep]-er! Fu- [laughing] I'm  dabbing, you can't see, you- One, two, three! [unmistakable sounds of  dabbing] That was me dabbing. That was me dabbing because I'm that  [bleep]-ing good. You [bleep]-ing come for me, Art! You [bleep]-ing, you  tried it! You tried it. Having none of your nonsense today, Art. You came up  and you said, [mockingly] “Ooh, I'm gonna write a silly advert and it's  gonna [bleep] 'em up.” Well who [bleep]-ed up now, huh? Who [bleep]-ed up now? [growl, and a clunk] 

H.R. Owen 

It can be difficult to push yourself as an artist when working alone.  Fortunately, there is a whole community of other creatives just waiting for  the chance to collaborate. This is an excellent chance to make new  friends, as well as benefiting from the professionalism and artistry of your  fellow podcasters. 

Naomi Clarke 

Stock it with some most- most- [flubbering] 

Jonathan Tilley

You see, not only did the scrawny little [Siri bleeps in the background]  solicitor I'd left in my castle live to tell the tale, but he and the lady I'd been seeing happened to know each other. 


Is there something else I can help with? 

Dom Guilfoyle 

Gosh, you look different in the- No, that's... Gosh, you look different-  [dissatisfied hum] Overthinking it now. 

You can just call me the CE- You can just call me the CEO. [beat] You can  just- Nope, I'm gonna start this whole section over again. 

Hero Blooper 

Dom is the creator of The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and  Mortality, a podcast whose title I have to Google search every time I write  it. 

Matty O.K. Smith 

OK, I hope that was OK. Um. Real quick. And... thank you so much, Hero,  you are a real cool- You're a real cool person, really. 

H.R. Owen 

Do choose your guests wisely, however. Poor decision-making in the  casting process could lead to frustration as unprofessional actors fail to  bring the proper gravity to your beloved recurring characters. 

Elizabeth Plant 

Are you... doing anything on Monday? [flustered voice] Wha-? N-n-no. W w-why?

Sophie B. 

[in the Presenter's voice] Good luck, listener. [in normal voice] I can get as deep as you. I can't. I can't, I don't have the range. 

I made myself a tea with some honey in it and it's not really doing its job, I  feel like the tea is- the, the tannins in the tea are coating- coating the  tongue. The tongue, the teeth and the lips! [lip trills] Mah! 

Elizabeth Plant 

Would you like to get dinner with me? [flustered] Oh my God. I think I just  fell in love with myself a little bit there. [laughs] 

Just kiss, you [bleep]-ing idiots! [despairing] Just kiss! 

Sophie B. 

Backlog, obliterated. Ubligation- Uh-Ubligation, uh-bligation. 

Elizabeth Plant 

Excuse me, what the [bleep] is that? Who is [laughing] blasting R&B  outside? Can you not?! 

Sophie B. 

Presenting! S- Presenting, presenting. Presenting! Pre-e-e-esenting!  [laughter] 

Elizabeth Plant 

And I asked myself why on earth there might be a pot plant where my  previou- [flubbering] Shit. 

Sophie B.

You messed this up about as much as it is physically possible to mess  something up. [sniff] I- Oh, big sniff there! [sniffing and coughing] Oh  and that'll be lovely for you to listen to, I'm sure. 

Elizabeth Plant 

[German accent] Und once more for luck. 

Sophie B. 

I've got phlegm. Hang on. I've got phlegm. Oh God, it's all going wrong. 

Elizabeth Plant 

[whining] I can't read! 

Sophie B. 

[singing to an improvised tune] Sophie, slow down. Sophie, you're going too fast! [humming] You're going too fast and the sibilance is killin' ya. 

Elizabeth Plant 

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep. 

Bleep blorp. Merry Christmas. 

Sophie B. 

You're gettin' all my best sounds now! 

Elizabeth Plant 

I'm going to name her [mispronounced] Angharad! [whining] Am I saying it right? Mum! Dad! Help me! 

Sophie B. 

Monstrous Agonies. Episode Seventy. I don't know why my episode 

couldn't have been Sixty Nine. I would have really enjoyed that. 

Elizabeth Plant 

Oh, if you're sick, go home! If you're not, stop complaining. [beat] Now  kiss! 

Sophie B. 

I really wanna read that line quickly but I'm gonna do it again. I need to  bring the (Not) Getting Married Today energy. That's a musical reference,  it's Sondheim. Anyone who loves musicals, if you put this in the outtakes,  will be like, “Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about,” but you, my  dearest Hero, are like, [mockingly] “I don't know what that is! Musicals are fake! Blah blah blah!” 

Elizabeth Plant 

It's fine, darling, I compang- [flubbering] Shut up. You stupid little lesbian. 

Sophie B. 

Best book in the world, it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry, it is of  course... [beat] W-was I supposed to think of a book? 

Elizabeth Plant 

[pained] Look at them!! Look at them!! 

Sophie B. 

Why did I eat a chocolate before I needed to do this? [laughter] Why was I like, mm, yeah, let's coat it. Let's coat that throat! 

Elizabeth Plant 

Yes, they're gone. Effortless dismount, might I say? [laughing] That's what she's going to be saying later!

Sophie B. 

Get away from me. There's a fly. [urgently] There's a fly

Elizabeth Plant 

[snorting inhale] OK. [sighing] That's enough, uh, for tonight, Liz. 

Sophie B. 

[singing a bluesy guitar riff] Bluesy guitar riff. 

H.R. Owen 

A word of warning, here. There is a danger that your success in voice  acting could lead you to believe yourself capable of pursuing other vocal  talents. Do yourself a favour and resist this misguided belief. 

Hero Bloopers 

[to the tune of When You Were Young by the Killers, in a kind of  American country voice] And he doesn't look a thing like Jesus but he  talks like a gentleman, like you imagined when you were [voice failing]  young. 

[to the tune of Kielbasa by Tenacious D] Tenacious D time, mother  [bleep]-er, yeah! 

[singing to an improvised tune] I need to be greasy. Oh I long to be  greased. How I long to be greasy. 

[to the tune of Dogs of War by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, and in a Scottish accent] Whosoever... touches one hair... on yon... grey...  head... [mouth guitar sounds] dies like a dog.

Oh, Mab and the Presenter karaoke. Who sings what? 

[to the tune of White Wedding by Billy Idol] I've been inside for so long, so long. I've been alone for so long. It's a nice day for a, a pandemic. It's a  nice day to lock down again. 

[singing a bluesy guitar riff] 

[to the tune of Let Me Drown by Orville Peck] And I won't be kind since I lost my mind. And this town just ain't big enough for the both of us now, let  me drown- [speaking] I could be a [bleep]-ing cowboy. I could be a sexy  cowboy boy. Cow cow boy boy. Cow cow boy boy. Bon bon bon bon. 

[Hero humming and attempting to beatbox No Limit by 2 Unlimited] 

[to the tune of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by Nina Simone, and in the Presenter's voice] I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh lord,  please don't let me be misunderstood. [speaking] Singing in the Presenter voice sounds like you're doing a bad Elvis impression. [in the Presenter's  voice] Thank you very much. Uh huh huh. 

[to the tune of Fuck Her Gently by Tenacious D] What's your favourite  dish? Not gonna cook it but I'll order it from Zanzibar! [laughter] 

[singing to an improvised tune] That's the wrong episode, that's the  script for the wrong episode. I've already made that episode. It's time to  make the other episode. 

H.R. Owen 

Above all though, the best thing you can do to grow your podcast is trust  your instincts and embrace your own creativity. In short: don't be afraid to  get a little weird. 

Hero Bloopers 

[creaky throat noises, repeated. Then laughter. Throaty honk] Clearin'  my throat. [honk] I'm just clearin' my throat. [honk, and laughter] 

Episode Fifty Four of Monstrous Agonies- Fifty Four, mother [bleep]-ers! 

[hands being rubbed together. Then, quiet and close to the  microphone] Delicious. 


Boys kissin' boys. Boy kissin' boys kissin' boys kissin' me kissin' boys  kissin' boys kissin' boys kissin' me kissin' boys kissin' boys kissin' boy's  kissin' me kissin' Darth Maul . [beat] That's my internal monologue at all  times. 

Hello- [burp, then a gargly moan] 

Episode Forty Nine of Monstrous Agonies was written and performed by  H.R. Owen. That's me! 

You can support Monstrous Agonies- [blows a raspberry] [rhythmic mouth sounds] 

[in the voice of a cartoon Bostonian who smokes 50 a day] You're  listening to the Nightfolk Network. Everywhere, every when, on 131.3FM.  [laughter]

[repeated in the same intonation] Kind regards. Kind regards. Kind  regards. [laughter] Kind regards. Kind regards. Oh I'm gonna be doing  that all day now! Kind regards. Kind regards. Kind regards. Kind regards. Kind regards. [laughter] Kind regards. Ooh, I've gone up a bit. Kind  regards. Kind regards. Kind regards. Kind regards. Kind. Kind regards.  Kind. Kind regards. Regards-gards. Kind regards. Kind. Kind. Kind  regards. Kind regards. Kind regards-gards. Kind. Gards. Kind. Kind  regards. 

[dodgy New York accent] Whaddya take me for, some kinda  neurotypical? 

[on a wobbly note] Uuaaerrhh! 

Tonight's second letter is from a listener under pressure to move with the  times. Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-choo choo! Ooh, I'm a sexy  murder train! [laughter] 

Well that's not making it into the [bleep]-ing blooper reel. [whispering]  And you'll never know what it was. 

[bleep] off, listener. 

[deep sigh] Goodness me. 

Kind regards. 

H.R. Owen 

You're well on your way to podcasting success. Keep up the hard work,  and best of luck for the future!

[Title music: slow, bluesy jazz. It plays throughout the closing  credits.] 

H.R. Owen 

Monstrous Agonies will be back to its regular schedule in a few weeks  time. Follow us on Tumblr, @MonstrousAgonies, or on Twitter,  @Monstrous_Pod, to keep up to date with announcements and news. 

Submissions are still closed for the time being, but keep an eye on our  social media accounts to find out when they reopen for Season Three. 

You can support the show by sharing with your friends and familiars,  making a monthly pledge at patreon.com/monstrousagonies... 

Hero Bloopers 

or make a one-off donation at ko-fi.com/make- What was I gonna say,  “makeshift Owen”? 

H.R. Owen 

Or make a one-off donation at ko-fi.com/hrowen. 

This podcast is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The theme tune is  Dakota by Unheard Music Concepts. 

[Music fades out] 

Thanks for listening, and remember-- 

Hero Bloopers

The real monsters- [laughing] The real monsters are my tongue! [slurp] The real monsters are the billionaires, that it's OK to kill and eat! 

The real monsters are the [bleep]-ing itchy nose! Itchy nose goblins!  [scratching sounds] Gah! 

The real monsters are people who build a [bleep]-ing house next to a  [bleep]-ing airport. [bleep]'s sake! 

Thanks for listening, and remember – the real monsters are the friends we  made on the way, who we rope in to doing our podcast with us. [laughter] 



Season Two Q&A - Part One


Episode Seventy One