Originally posted on March 4th 2022

PDF available here

Monstrous Agonies E60S02 Transcript 

[Title music: slow, bluesy jazz.] 

H.R. Owen 

Monstrous Agonies: Episode Sixty. 

[The music fades out, replaced by the sound of a radio being tuned. It scrolls through folk music, a voice saying “-guinea pig-”, a voice  saying “-under pressure-”, a voice saying “-to impost more  sanctions-” and pop music before cutting off abruptly as it reaches  the correct station.] 

The Presenter 

-as one by one the stars blink back. 

It's time for our advice segment, where I answer your questions about life,  love, and all things liminal. First up tonight, a listener wondering how to  make amends. 

The Presenter (as First Letter Writer) 

My boyfriend is a fairly reclusive person. He likes his own space and  values his privacy – understandably so, as he's a bit of a minor celebrity in  the local area. He's not the kind of famous where people stop him in the  street to get his autograph or whatever, but there are a couple of places  nearby that sell eggcups and tea-towels and things with blurry pictures of  him on. 

I mean, they say they're pictures of him. I always say they just look like a  bunch of fat house cats [laughs] I've got a t-shirt, actually. Says, “I Had a  Wild Night with the Beast of Bevendean!” [laughing] and these claws  marks on the back. He nearly passed out when I showed it him, he was  laughing so hard. 

He's not so fond of me right now though! [laughs] I'm, uh... pretty  thoroughly in the dog house. And I wanted to write to you about it because  I don't think I actually did anything wrong? And I wanted to see if- if you  agreed. And either way, I'll take any tips you've got about, you know,  smoothing things over. 

It was just a silly conversation. We were making dinner, and I don't even  remember who brought it up, but we started talking about which famous  creatures we'd invite to a dinner party. Not to suck up or anything but, uh... you made my list. [laughs] 

That kind of brings me to my point. I said, just wondering out loud, really,  it's interesting that we don't have so many famous creatures in this part of  the world. I mean like really famous, like, not just pop stars or TV  personalities, you know. 

And I said, there's really only, well, you, and your, uh... [laughs] “station  manager”, if that's what we're calling it these days. And Nessie, obviously.  God, I love her Instagram, talk about #goals. And I know the Irish have  their fair share, both the ones we know about like Crom Cruach and Dustin the Turkey, and the ones we all pretend not to. Looking at you, Enya. 

But otherwise, both of us were mostly naming people from America or the  rest of Europe. And I waffled on a bit saying it was probably a lot of  ignorance on our part – of course I'm sure there's loads of famous  creatures in the rest of the world who we just don't know so well over here  – and about how small an area we're talking about, you know.

And I looked up from the tofu I was pressing and he was looking at me with this weird expression on his face. Apparently I'd hurt his feelings by  implying that he wasn't properly famous. 

So you can see my problem, right? Because... he isn't. He doesn't even  have a Wikipedia page. You have a Wikipedia page. The 'personal life'  section is quite a read. [laughs] 

Anyway, I've tried apologising but it didn't do the trick. He asked again if I  thought he was famous and I wasn't going to lie to him! It's been a week  and he's still being... [sighs] Honestly, he's being kind of snotty. 

We've been together for about six months, and I do like him, I really like  him. But I hadn't seen this side to him before. It feels really... childish? 

If I'm being unreasonable, just tell me. I will go cap in hand and make my  apologies – I'll even make a Wikipedia page for him! But if I'm not, if I'm in  the right here, how am I supposed to get him out of this snit? 

The Presenter (as themselves) 

W- Uh. Sorry, what do you mean, 'the personal life section'? Why is my  personal life on Wikipedia? And for the record, she is my station manager,  and she is only my station manager. [clears throat] 

Um. To answer your question, I don't think you're in the wrong, precisely.  You perhaps haven't handled this as diplomatically as you could, but I don't think that's really the issue here. I actually don't think the subject of the  argument is an issue at all. I'm more concerned with the way in which you  two are arguing. You're right – it is childish. 

When people argue, there are three possible outcomes. They either work  together for a solution; they agree to disagree and move on; or they come  to recognise that it's impossible for the relationship to continue without  agreement, and that agreement is equally impossible, and so part ways. 

In the heat of an argument, it's not always easy to see these outcomes.  You need time to cool off and consider the matter within the wider context  of the relationship. Then, you decide what you want to do about it, whether that's having a conciliatory cup of tea and a cuddle, or mutually agreeing  not to make unsolicited comments on one another's choice of décor. 

Instead, your boyfriend has been sulking. For a week. Meanwhile, you  “tried apologising, but it didn't do the trick”. There's no trick, listener. An  apology isn't a set of magic words you say to get yourself out of trouble.  You apologise because you're sorry. If you're not sorry, don't apologise. 

I don't really have any practical advice for you. You – both of you – need to decide for yourselves what you want to do about this situation. Can you  find a way past this together? Do you want to? Is it worth trying? I don't  have those answers. But whatever you do, do it. This stalemate is  immature and insulting to the both of you. 

[Background music begins: An acoustic guitar playing a blues riff] 

The Presenter 

Brought to by Tooth be Told: The casino that runs solely on teeth, for those with loose gums or just a large collection. 

[End background music] 

 The Presenter 

Our second letter tonight is from a listener feeling conflicted.

The Presenter (as Second Letter Writer) 

Greetings from the churning tumult, the brilliant darkness, the soundless  shrieking, the maddening infinite, the unending chaos that lies unseen  beyond the edge of your sheltered little bubble of a reality. 

I write to you, as all others who write to you do, because I have a trouble  that I do not know how to end on my own. It will not resolve under the  effects of rending or tearing, wailing or devouring, creeping or slithering,  maddening or enlightening, so I'm afraid I cannot apply any of my usual  problem-solving skills. 

When I got to this reality, I thought I'd take my time. Send out a few cryptic  messages, start a few cults, you know. Then I thought, no, let's really go  back to basics. Let's peel this place up from the edges, starting by finding  those edges and how they're put together. 

And oh, wow. That was some challenge, figuring out the physical  properties of this universe. I mean, I thought I understood linear time at  first, but then it turns out it only goes in one direction. Which doesn't make  sense, lines definitely go in two directions. 

And there were all the other natural laws to understand. This is the first  universe that I've taken apart figuratively, rather than literally, but it seems  to me those other realities were put together much more sensibly. I visited  a nice frictionless plane once. Very clean, very modern. It's not there any  more, obviously, but I think this universe could take some notes. I mean,  just when I was understanding time here, you had to throw in how gravity  effects it – gravity, effecting time, you must be joking! 

As I was trying to understand how this ridiculous universe is put together, I  started to get interested in how the people living in it think it's put together.  You're still missing pieces, of course. Some pretty big ones actually. 

But instead of being filled with contempt for the limited capacity for  analysis of your tiny minds, or shaking with laughter fit to split the earth  and boil the seas at the idea of all the things you have wrong, I found it...  kind of cute? You fumble in the dark, lacking the breadth of perspective  and keenness of sense necessary to understand anything, yet you persist  in trying. 

Most of my connections on your side of existence indulge my curiosity. I  have a few such instruments under my power, including the one whose  hand now writes this letter. But lately, rather than provoking them to seek  forbidden knowledge, complete the rituals, and usher in the end of all  things by ushering in me! I have found myself just... talking to them. 

One tells me endless stories of what they've done and seen and the  people they know. Yet another lets me reach a tendril into her mind so I  may join in as she listens nightly to your radio show. 

Some of my instruments are more insistent that I hasten the end of the  world – let it burn to ashes, and leave behind a new universe to form.  Those are just the kinds of personalities I attract. 

And they have a point. I could tear a hole through the walls of this reality,  wriggle in and turn it inside out, play with the minds of its inhabitants as  they struggle to comprehend the horrors of my being. But I find I don't  really want to. 

I've been doing this for so long. If I stop now, what else is there? How else  do I find purpose and joy? What should I do?

The Presenter (as themselves) 

I would strongly prefer you didn't destroy this reality, listener. For one  thing, your heart clearly isn't in it. 

Some jobs, it's true, benefit from an attitude of “if it's worth doing, it's worth making a start”. But crawling through a rip in the veil between worlds and  tearing minds asunder with the unknowable horror of your being is an  undertaking that really needs your full commitment. 

I think you – and everyone else – would be far better off pursuing these  new interests of yours. Just because you've been doing something for a  long time is no particularly compelling reason to continue doing it. You  have done this work, and done it well, and enjoyed it. And now, it is time to enjoy something new. 

Have you considered going into further education? You mention using  people in this reality as instruments of your ghastly intention – why not pick up a grad student or two? From what I know of physics students, it won't  take much convincing to get them to agree to being in a symbiotic  relationship with an eldritch being from beyond this universe. 

I hear your concerns about what this change in direction means for you in  the future. But I don't think you need to worry about that right now. There's  no external pressure one way or another. 

You aren't beholden to societal expectations or petty concerns like money  or stability or the passage of time. You can do whatever you want. The  trick is finding out what that is. 

I suggest you take some time to explore your options, making the most of  these new interests of yours. Throw yourself into learning about our reality, about our feeble attempts to comprehend our reality – about our feeble  attempts to comprehend our reality. Listen to the radio. Relax. Don't  murder us all! 

With time, I'm sure you'll find your way to new joy and fulfilment. It may not be what you expected from your life. That doesn't mean it's wrong, or that  you're wrong to enjoy it. And if you do find yourself being called back to  your previous pastimes, might I suggest you take those feelings out on the  reality next door? 

[Background music begins: An acoustic guitar playing a blues riff] 

The Presenter 

The Nightfolk Network. Every where, every when, on 131.3FM. [End background music] 

The Presenter 

The time is two o'clock on Thursday morning. Next, are you considering  walking into brackish water, falling backwards under a blanket of grey sky  and letting your body sink slowly down until it is taken once more by the  stinking river mud that birthed it, but not sure where to begin? We count  down the top ten tips for... 

[Speech fades into static as the radio is retuned. It scrolls through the sound of a doorbell, dance music, piano music, a voice saying “- associated with the Kremlin-” and pop music before fading out. 

Title music: slow, bluesy jazz. It plays throughout the closing credits.]

H.R. Owen 

Episode Sixty of Monstrous Agonies was written and performed by H.R.  Owen. 

Tonight's second letter was submitted by Leslie and today's advert came  from Orbworb. Thanks, friends. See the show-notes for details on how to  submit your own advert ideas. 

You can support Monstrous Agonies with a monthly pledge at  patreon.com/monstrousagonies, a one-off donation a ko-fi.com/hrowen, by  sharing the programme with your friends and familiars, and by following us on Tumblr, @MonstrousAgonies, and on Twitter, @Monstrous_Pod. 

This podcast is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The theme tune is  Dakota by Unheard Music Concepts. 

Thanks for listening, and remember – the real monsters are the friends we  made on the way. 

[Fade to silence] 



Episode Sixty One


Episode Fifty Nine