Originally posted on January 26th 2023

PDF available here

Monstrous Agonies E85S03 Transcript 

[Title music: slow, bluesy jazz.] 

H.R. Owen 

Monstrous Agonies: Episode Eighty Five. 

[The music fades out, replaced by the sound of a radio being tuned. It scrolls through rock music, a voice saying “-second referendum-”, a  voice saying “-I'm getting there-” and a voice saying “-oh my God,  jump, jump, jump!-” before cutting off abruptly as it reaches the  correct station.] 

The Presenter 

-until the entire state of Kansas is reduced to rubble and void. 

Up next tonight, it's time for our weekly advice segment where I answer  listener's questions from across the liminal world. First up, a listener trying  to tackle prejudice at home. 

The Presenter (as First Letter Writer) 

My parents are from two different genuses. It wasn’t a big thing when they  first got together, but it did mean that, in order to end up with my brother  and I, there was a lot of stress. The kind of stress that, in the end, they just couldn’t let go of. 

So they divorced. Which is fine! Obviously that's fine. And it’s been years  so of course by now it’s- it's- [sighs] It's fine. [pause] Except that, it's not.  [bitter laugh] Because they both really hate each other and… And it-it...  [sighs]

The thing is, you might think that my brother and I would be mixed, but  actually, the way we were conceived, we basically take after one genus or  the other. My brother takes after Mum, who we live most of the time, but  I’m the same genus as my dad. 

The bad blood between my parents has left my mum with some… not great opinions of people of his genus. Not just my dad, the- the whole genus. You know. The- Well the one... I... belong to. 

Which is really not great when so much of what you hear is, “Oh, well,  people of that sort just don’t know how to properly care for their fur," or,  "Well, they have no control over their... base urges." And you’re one of  those people. 

[getting upset] It’s like she doesn’t even realise that I’m there? I'm right.  There. Hearing every insult she comes up with. She insists she’s not  talking about me but it’s- Well it's getting harder and harder to believe she  doesn’t- [steadies their breathing] It's getting harder to believe that she  doesn't hate me just as much as she hates my dad. 

We’ve been fighting a lot for other reasons. But every time I bring up the  stuff about Dad she just shuts me down! How do I get her to understand  that her hatred of my father reflects onto the rest of my genus as well?  That insulting him is hurting me? It- [sighs] It really hurts! [sniffs] 

I love my parents, and Dad certainly isn’t flawless either. But I can’t work  out how to get past the idea my mum... [deep breath] secretly hates me. 

The Presenter (as themselves) 

This sounds like a very difficult situation, listener. I'm sorry you're going  through this. I'm going to assume that moving out isn't an option, either  because of your age or other factors. Instead, let's see what you can do at  home to improve matters. 

First of all, have you spoken to your brother about this? How does he feel  about your mother's outbursts? He may not be the same genus as your  father, but it's still part of his heritage – and you're still his sibling. 

He might be able to give you some much-needed support, either by  challenging your mother on your behalf or just listening when you need to  vent. 

You say the divorce was years ago. I respect that an acrimonious  separation is not something most people simply bounce back from. But it  doesn't sound as if your mother has made much progress at all over the  years in working through her feelings. 

Her prejudices are deeply entrenched, and I want you to understand that  she, and she alone, is responsible for unlearning that prejudice. Don't take  it upon yourself to fix her entire world-view. 

Concentrate instead on setting strong, healthy boundaries around her  behaviour. Remember, good boundaries are clear, specific, and include  consequences. Something like, uh, “When you say X about my genus, it  makes me feel Y. If you continue to talk like that, I will leave the room.” And then – this is the hard part – follow through. 

This won't necessarily change your mother's mind about your genus. I'm  sorry but again, that's on her. It will, however, remind her that you do, in  fact, belong to the genus in question, and hopefully teach her to bite her  tongue around you, if nothing else.

In the future, you may have more freedom to choose how and when you  spend time with your mother. Until then, I hope this advice can help you  get her to treat you with the basic respect you deserve. 

[Background music begins: An acoustic guitar playing a blues riff] 

The Presenter 

Brought to by Eggplant. We all know the struggle of finding a suitable host  in which to plant your eggs. Let Eggplant do the hard work! With our  unique pick-up and delivery service, you don't even have to leave your  house, safe in the knowledge that your genetic material will soon be  infesting one of our carefully-selected hosts. Discrete implantation  guaranteed! Eggplant – take you parasitism sitting down! Proud members  of the Nightfolk Network. 

[End background music] 

 The Presenter 

Our second letter tonight is from a listener feeling anxious about the future. 

The Presenter (as Second Letter Writer) 

I'm a bit of a late bloomer compared to most oracles. Usually those powers set in around the start of puberty – at least for sapio oracles, I-I know the  timelines are all different for different genuses. But I didn't get my first  vision until I was almost 30. 

Maybe it's something to do with being trans. It feels like I'm coming to all  sorts of rites of passage and milestones rather later than everyone else.  [laughs] Then again, the thought of dealing with this at 13 is, uh. Oof!  [laughs]

So, yeah, it was a shock! But I mean, I've learnt a lot of surprising things  about myself in the last few years – what's one more! [laughs] 

The problem is the nature of my visions. I-I do my best, using the  techniques I learnt in my training, but I can never seem to gain much  clarity in my second sight. I come away with ideas and impressions,  gestures towards a-a possible outcome, but... [sighs] Nothing more. 

And I'm- I'm always very clear with my clients that that's the level of  service they can expect. If they want something more definite, they can  seek out a-another, more power oracle! And, uh, pay for the difference.  [laughs] 

So far, nobody seems to have minded. They take what I can give them and interpret it as best they can. But that's what frightens me. 

So much of oracular history has been shaped by people making incorrect  assumptions about what a vision means, or bringing about the events they  tried to escape literally because they tried to escape them. 

The- Oh, the thought-! [breaks off and sniffs] Oh, excuse me. [upset]  The thought that I might see something and not give someone proper  warning, or that- that something terrible will come to pass because of a  vision of mine... [breathing rapidly] Um. Oh! 

I'm convinced something dreadful is going to happen because of  something I've seen. It- [sighs] It's only a matter of time. Please – what  can I do? 

The Presenter (as themselves) 

On the one hand, listener, I agree with you. It very likely is only a matter a  time before someone misinterprets one of your visions, or indeed before  you have a vision of something both dreadful and inevitable. Where our  positions differ is that I do not believe either of these scenarios are your  responsibility. 

Your anxiety is telling you a story about the world and your place in it. Your first step is recognising your anxiety's story when it rears its head. Try to  notice your feelings as they happen, and pay attention to the kinds of  thoughts that accompany them. 

For example, let's say you start to feel anxious and notice that your  thoughts are running along the lines of, “The person who I just told about  my vision regarding their upcoming invasion of Persia is going to mistake  my warning for encouragement and in doing so, destroy the Lydian  empire.” 

Aside from taking comfort in the reminder that this is a concern that has  dogged the steps of oracles since the very earliest days, you might also  say yourself, “That is a line from the story my anxiety is telling me where  I'm responsible for the leadership of an Iron Age kingdom in Asia Minor.” 

Or, more probably, “That's a line from the story my anxiety is telling where  I'm bad at my job,” or, “the story where I have the power to change  destiny.” 

You may notice that not a single one of these stories is true. However, in  the moment of your anxiety, this can be difficult to believe. After all, a story  needn't be true in order to elicit a profound emotional response, as any fan of fiction knows. 

But they are also not very good stories. They're not well-crafted, and  they're not convincing. Have you ever come across something in a piece of media that immediately pulls you out of the story? A glaring anachronism in a work of historical fiction, or characters walking an impossible route  through a city you know well? 

You need to find something like that, something that can pull you out of the story your anxiety is trying to tell. Your anxiety is trying to say that you're  bad at your job, but you already know you're well-trained, hard working  and conscientious. Suddenly, that story holds no water. 

This is not an easy skill to develop. It will take time, and you will have  periods of progress and periods of set-back. But in due course, I believe in your ability to tell a new story about yourself – one that recognises you as  a competent, capable oracle with reasonable expectations of your skills  and responsibilities. A story made all more beautiful by being true. 

[Background music begins: An acoustic guitar playing a blues riff] 

The Presenter 

The Nightfolk Network. Community owned, community run. [End background music] 

 The Presenter 

It's two o'clock on Thursday morning. Next tonight, the second part of our  Liminal Landscapes series, where we investigate the past and future of  Britain's thaumaturgic geography. This week, we're talking islands – from  St Kilda to the Isles of Scilly... 

[Speech fades into static as the radio is retuned. It scrolls through  discordant clarinet music, a voice saying “-a longer downturn-”, a  voice saying “-the end of time-” and a voice saying “-oh my gosh it's  amazing-” before fading out. 

Title music: slow, bluesy jazz. It plays throughout the closing credits.] 

H.R. Owen 

Episode Eighty Five of Monstrous Agonies was written and performed by  H.R. Owen. 

Tonight's first letter was submitted by Attystark, the second letter was from  itssomethingcosmic, and this week's advert came from Rad. Thanks,  friends. 

If you're enjoying the show, please consider signing up for a monthly  pledge at patreon.com/monstrousagonies, or make a one-off donation at  ko-fi.com/hrowen. You can also help us grow our audience by sharing with  your friends and familiars, and following us on Tumblr,   @MonstrousAgonies, and on Twitter, @Monstrous_Pod. 

This podcast is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The theme tune is  Dakota by Unheard Music Concepts. 

Thanks for listening, and remember - the real monsters are the friends we  made on the way. 

[Fade to silence] 



Episode Eighty Six


Episode Eighty Four